We are Real Salt Lake

To lead and inspire the soccer culture in Utah.


The information contained in this document is representative of the cultural and footballing identity of Real Salt Lake. While the concepts within may change and evolve in accordance with the evolution of sport and the passage of time, the idea of the document is meant to endure, and to outlive all involved in its crafting. It is the ambition of Real Salt Lake to achieve its own definition of greatness. These pages give direction and standards for that achievement.

Historical Background

The RSL Identity and Values set forth in this document must be informed and influenced by the history of Salt Lake City and the state of Utah. For this reason, the appreciation of the community’s historical context is necessary. It is forever the privilege of Real Salt Lake to be part of the Utah community. Accordingly, the history of the state and the Club are one and the same.

Early Days

The territories that make-up Utah today were first home to Shoshonean speaking tribes. These tribes, made up predominantly by the Ute, Paiutes and Shoshones, encountered great difficulties in cultivating the scarcities of the Utah landscape, with the climate of the land being fairly arid and the resources there insufficient to sustain them. This toil of the initial inhabitants, and their eventual harmony with its nature, is emblematic both of Utah history and its future peoples.

Pioneer Days

In 1847 Mormon settlers arrived. Despite the arid and difficult terrain, the settlers viewed the land as a gift from God. Early efforts involved great difficulties, yet their devotion to communalism and industrious nature allowed the settlers to achieve – like the Shoshonean tribes – an eventual harmony with the land, cementing it as their home. This achievement is reflected upon the territory being named a state in 1896, the state taking the beehive as its symbol and naming the industrious honeybee as its state insect. The honeybee symbolizes the pioneer industry and cooperative work of the settlers, paramount for their survival.

The Progressive Era

The twentieth century in Utah was marked by several different periods of increased diversity through immigration. The Progressive Era brought many diverse cultures to the state, as people immigrated to work in the increasing coal and copper mines located there. A large outside population was also brought to the state during WWII, as soldiers trained on various military installations in the northern areas of Utah, and with many southern workers migrating to the state in pursuance of vacant wartime jobs. The Immigration Act of 1965 and a displaced population of Southeast Asian refugees provided the third impetus for diversification. The result of all the ensuing increased diversity, which continued in other forms of immigration throughout the century, brought a gradual but distinct change to the culture of Utah.

The Present

This quick historical summation does not do justice to the efforts of generations who built the state, though it does convey the defining characteristic of Utah. To those who call the state home - regardless of race, culture or religion – there is a distinct pulse of combative willingness to champion and defend the State against those quick to dismiss it. This pride is born and fostered through a connection that the outside world again does not understand or appreciate. These notions spurned on a new initiative in the twenty-first century, one congruent with the determined pride embodied by all who lived in the state. The result was an outpouring of culture in many forms, all defiant of the limits and labels typecast by others. Utahns created art, literature, music and strove for excellence in sport. All in an effort to advocate the capacities of its people and the caliber of its shared culture. Without the history of the state, the exertion of the original settlers of the land, and their demonstrations of industry and community, Real Salt Lake and any aspect of the Club would not exist. In whatever degree or age the Club occupies, it will forever be a product of the cultural endeavors of those who came before it and built the state into what it is.

Club Philosophy

Founded in 2004, Real Salt Lake is an American Professional Soccer Club. Real Salt Lake is determined to lead and inspire Utah culture by bridging the community through sport. This is reflected through a commitment to the core values of the people of Utah; those of industry, community and pride for the state. It is the duty of Real Salt Lake to forever champion this industrious resolve as the embodiment of these core values.

Core Cultural Values

The human ability to sense and respond to culture is a silent, implicit and ubiquitously spoken language. This portion of the document does not define what Real Salt Lake is but rather why it aspires to be the way it is. While the culture of any organization will be dynamic and constantly shifting in response to inevitable change, the following values are meant as enduring pillars of strength-defining clear and consistent expectations for the Club and all within.

The game of soccer has nearly unlimited global influence. Whether this influence is used for good or for ill is at the discretion of those within the game. The Club must forever use its influence in accordance with the following core values: Pride, Community, Industry, Harmony, Integrity.


The duty to champion and defend the idea of the Club.


It is a privilege of the Club to not just belong to the community but to strengthen its fabric.


All great difficulties are met with great and focused actions.


Never willing to sacrifice cultural values for the promise of future glory.


Only together will our definition of success be obtained.

Code of Ethics

Real Salt Lake, it’s players, coaches and employees should endeavor to be a model of ethics for the community. This includes the obligation to meet a standard code of conduct in all athletic, social and business activities. The level of expected conduct is outlined in the code of ethics. This code of ethics works in tandem with the core cultural values of the club, forming a pillar of expectations for all to operate within. The following content is mandatory and unalterable for all at the club, regardless of position or designation.

Compliance with Laws, Rules and Regulations

Obeying the laws, as they are set forth by the city and state in which the Club operates, is a pivotal component of the ethical standards of the Club. Employees are not required to know the intimate details of such laws, though they should possess enough moral judgment to align with and in accordance of such laws, rules and regulations.

Discrimination & Harassment

The diversity of Real Salt Lake and the Salt Lake City community is a valued asset. In accordance with MLS, the Club is an equal opportunity employer, that maintains and upholds a zero tolerance policy for discrimination and harassment in any form, including that of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, disability veteran status, or any other characteristics protected by law. Abuse and/or offensive or harassing behavior of any kind will not be tolerated. The reporting of such conduct in good faith will not be retaliated against.


It is the duty of those in positions of leadership to put aside personal agenda and act solely in the best interest of the Club and its ideas but also the community in accordance with these values. The management style of the club will forever be one of collaboration, in which no attempt will be made to wield or silo power. Leadership will champion and promote a culture where the best idea wins, and all feel empowered to share their respective ideas.


In the various phases of its operations, employees will acquire and create information regarding the intimate and confidential affairs of the Club. Accordingly, all must comply with the duty of discretion and confidentiality in regard with such information.

Fair Competition

Real Salt Lake competes fairly and honestly. Employees of the Club must act in a manner compliant with what is established by the governing bodies in which it operates under. All action taken should abide under the rules set forth by Major League Soccer, the USL, the NWSL, FIFA or any other governing body.

This includes but is not limited to:

  • Bribery and corruption
  • Negotiation of unauthorized commissions
  • Betting, gambling, and similar activities affecting the integrity of matches
  • Doping and drugs in sport
Work Life Balance

The Club acknowledges the demands of working in professional sports, and the unconventional time constraints and limitations it can place on a work life balance. Due to this, and to the Club’s commitment to act in the best interest of its culture and employees, the Club will make a concerted effort to accommodate the varying personal circumstances of its employees as it relates to the achievement of a healthy and fulfilling equilibrium.

Real Salt Lake & Employee Creed

As a RSL director, coach, player or employee it is my duty to continually strive for the best representation of myself, my teammates, coworkers and my community, both on the field and off. I pursue this metric through the characteristics that embody all in the organization: pride, community, industry, harmony and integrity.


The RSL Way

While the preceding information was designed to give clarity on the Club’s cultural identity and values, the following pages will depict the Club’s philosophies and operational principles as it relates to the game of soccer. The Club acknowledges that with the passage of time, the progression of the sport, and the change of personnel, there will be an inevitable evolution of both operational and tactical nuance. However, certain broad philosophies of the Club are meant to endure. The following on field and off field philosophies are written as these enduring models and are to be followed in perpetuity as the Club pursues its footballing aspirations.

RSL On-Field Philosophy

The Club and its fan-base demand a certain level of football. Therefore, regardless of year, personnel or any opposing circumstance, it is in the best interest of the Club to produce football with the following metrics:


Conviction to play attacking and industrious soccer and to control the tempo of the game, regardless of scenario.


Prioritizing team success over individual accolades.


Organized, deliberate and resolved in all areas of the pitch.

RSL Front Office Philosophy

In pursuance of the Club’s soccer aspirations, the Club and its personnel will uphold complete commitment to the practice of the following ideas, regardless of external circumstance:


Commitment to create, cultivate and champion opportunity through internal growth.


Complete commitment to uphold the pursuits, beliefs and philosophies of the Club.


An environment that builds value in trusting the diversity of its people.